
What You Need To Know About Strollers by Aiden Brooks

A pushchair or stroller is a vital thing when you have a baby. Without them, you will really struggle to get around. Carrying a baby takes up both of your arms and hands meaning that you will quite literally have your hands full when caring for your little one. There are some other solutions to this such as using a sling to place your baby on your front or back without taking up the use of your hands. 

Not only can slings start to hurt after a while, but they can get in the way of doing other things. Imagine going food shopping for example and having to push around a trolley. You won’t be able to carry your baby in your arms, and if they are strapped onto your front then it will be difficult getting items into the trolley as your view and range of movement is obstructed. If they are on your back then you will need to think about where you’re turning as it could bump your baby into someone or something accidentally.

What to look for in baby and toddler strollers

As you can tell, it really is a necessity to get the right strollers for your baby’s age and the kind of activities you will be doing, as doing so will provide the best mobility for you and your baby. Given that many come with storage underneath the seat and sometimes with a storage pocket on the back, you will be able to put your essential items in here instead of in a shoulder bag or baby changing bag and trying to manoeuvre this around. 

Pushchairs have gone through lots of renovations and design updates over the years, especially in recent decades. What once was a simple seat attached to wheels is now a multifunctional, versatile piece of equipment that is available in a huge range of specifications and is expected to meet extremely high safety standards to protect your baby or toddler. This means that the models available online and in stores will be diverse enough to allow you to choose one that easily fits around your lifestyle. 

Manufacturers know that in this day and age, parents are busier than they used to be. They are out and about far more and lead much more hectic lives that are full of intense work schedules, sports practice, social events and other family commitments. Whatever a busy parent is getting up to, the right choice of pushchair can go a long way to enhancing their day with their baby. As you can imagine, pushchairs have to be highly adaptable for all sorts of different situations and they have to be adaptable within a few seconds. No one wants to be struggling over a pushchair or stroller for several minutes in order to fold it up or down.

What helpful features will you find on a stroller?

As mentioned earlier, one important feature is that the pushchair or stroller has additional storage, not only to store items for the baby, but also for the parent. Having this will allow parents to place their items and stop them from having to carry them around in a separate bag. This could include food shopping but also their own personal items such as a handbag and things for the baby, such as changing supplies and spare pacifiers and toys. One of the most important features on a pushchair is the folding mechanism. The more efficient and easy-to-use the mechanism is, the less likely you are to be frustrated by it and if possible, see if you can try out a couple of designs before deciding on one. 

As you’ll probably be folding and unfolding the stroller quite often, it is well worth investing in a model with a great mechanism. The folding of it needs to be seamless. If it’s stiff or if there are too many folds and buttons, it can get confusing and frustrating, so having an effective folding ability is vital. You should also look for a chair that is lightweight and easy to lift as you will more than likely need to lift the chair up in many situations, such as putting it into your car or lifting it up small flights of stairs.
